L5 mycobacterium phage genome is used for example:
1-download the L5 mycobacterium phage genome (file.gbk from NCBI) or your genome (file.gbk).
2-open this file by Artemis software ( open source) or by another software.
3- each time select from Artemis software one gene and copy the corresponding protein sequence .
4-paste and filter this sequence in Sequence Manipulation Suite ( open source) if is necessary and copy this filtrate protein sequence .
5- open mJemboss software (open source) and paste the sequence in Helix-Turn-Helix program.
7-safe the result.
8 - in Jemboss by the same sequence open other programs.
9- align the sequences by Strap software (open source) or by Jalview software (open source) and plot the Tree.