Single comparison between two genomes

I have investigated the genomes of these phages searching for a relationship of cause and effect (D29,Bxz2,L5 and TM4 phages grow on M.ulcerans and M.smegmatis).
These are the results after the comparisons (D29,BXZ2,L5 and TM4):
Sequence Identity Matrix(%)
By basebybase software:

Each time two genomes are compared by BugView software ( Smith Waterman algorithm ).
The results obtained are(cds from files .gbk):
D29 on L5:31,39,85/on BXZ2:3,4,38/on TM4:24,27,39 |
L5 on D29:34,39,82/on BXZ2:3,4,38/on TM4:24,27,39 |
BXZ2 on D29:34,39,51/on L5:31,39,85/on TM4:4,27,39 |
TM4 on D29:34,39,80/on L5:31,39,85/on BXZ2:4,2,38 |
By Sockeye software I have showed all genomes and each cds:

cds 34 from D29 genome

Dot Plot by Serolis software