In a patient whit cystic fibrosis disease the main obstacle, as a consequence of a biocontrol (phage therapy) treatment could be a possible dangerous developping reaction both to local level and/or to general level, caused by a massive release of endotoxin from lysed bacteria.

At moment we do not have data about this possible negative side effect by phage administration but in the Historical document* is described a real application which does not provide any information about this question.
*"Aerosol treatment was administered every day. The duration of the individual sessions usually lasted 10-15 minutes. The average number of inhalations administered amounted to 11, the smallest number was 3 (this involved a subchronical tracheobronchitis), and the largest number was 40".

Herxheimer reaction
Endotoxaemia in cystic fibrosis: response to antibiotics
If we want to avoid this side effect we must study a specific administration cycle for a patient with cystic fibrosis in terms of:
- Phage Dose
- Treatment Lenght
- Treatment Number
- Endotoxin Monitoring
My idea is to prepare a specific Phage cocktail and to add to this cocktail a proporzionate quantity of Polymyxin B.
Main Drug= Phages
LPS neutralizing= Polymyxin B

Polymyxin B is present for neutralizing, above all, the LPS that is released from phage- lysed bacteria.Finally to use this synergetic composition by aerosol therapy or alternatively to use two close and separeted aerosol administrations (Phages before and Polymyxin B after ).