I have compared all D29 mycobacteriophage cds with the M.marinum genome by different software.
D29 phage,like L5 ,Bxz2 and TM4 does not grows on M.marinum.
I have found good relations with M.marinum genome and D29 phage cds ( cds 50,cds 33,cds 46, cds 28,cds 36, cds 34 and cds 64).
All these D29 cds have been compared after with M.smegmatis and M.ulcerans genomes confirming the presence of relation constantly.
I have compared D29 cds 50 that is corresponding to mycobacterial Thymidylate synthase with the corresponding three mycobacterial genes.
After i have found the structure for each protein.
Comparisons with gp48 protein

Comparisons between thyX proteins

Protein Structure
From Wikipedia
Alpha helix
Beta sheet
gp48 D29 phage helix protein

thyX helix protein M.marinum

thyX helix protein M.smegmatis
thyX M.smegmatis protein secondary structure model

thyX helix protein M.ulcerans
probable thymidylate synthase (ec (ts) (tsase) (gp48)
Probable thymidylate synthase
Open Blast Search of in UniProtKB and Paste in the window this fasta sequence (gp48 D29 mycobacterium phage protein):
after press the key Blast.