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"In silico"

From Wikipedia
If the target host* of a phage therapy treatment is not an animal the term "biocontrol" (as in phage-mediated biocontrol of bacteria) is usually employed, rather than "phage therapy".

In silico
From:"Genomics,Proteomics and Clinical Bacteriology",N.Woodford and Alan P.Johnson

Phrase that emphasizes the fact that many molecular biologists spend increasing amounts of their time in front of a computer screen, generating hypotheses that can subsequently be tested and (hopefully) confirmed in the laboratory.

Phage Therapy is influenced by:

Phage therapy is influenced by:

Country : the epidemiological situation is different from country to country in terms of circulating bacteria and bacteriophages. Example: lytic phages from Italy may be no active on the same bacteria (genus and species) isolated from another country and vice versa.
Mutation rate
Phenotypical delay
Phage cocktail

My point of view

Monday 7 December 2009

Examining Genomes

For examining one or more genomes I describe an easy procedure using some free software packages from the Net:

1- Download the genomes from "The NCBI ftp site " or from other Web site.

2- Go to genome and choise the folder : example Virus.

3- Open the folder and select your genome and store it in your computer.

4- Select only genome
file with end: .gbk or .gb or.ffn or Fasta.

5- Download :

BugView (genome browser for comparing the arrangement of genes on a pair of related genomes, and can also be used to view individual genomes).

DAMBE (software package for extensive data analysis in molecular biology and evolution).

e-Workbench (for comparative genome analysis).

(read all user manuals but they are simple and intuitive ):

6- Download the genome file by DAMBE and by e-Workbench.

Read by e-Workbench, one by one, the genome features and also check them by DAMBE.

Write by Excel programme each information regarding the genes.

9- Repeat points 6,7,8 for another genome.

10- Open BugView and compare two genomes.

Example: D29 and L5 mycobacteriophages

These are the results of my genome analysis using the procedure that I have described above:

1- This is the Excel table where I compare D29 genome against L5 genome.

2- This is the Excel table where I compare
L5 genes against D29 genes.

3- This the Gene comparison image between
L5 and D29 genes from the Excel table ( point 2).

4- These are the Dot plot images for Gene comparison
, in numerical order, from the Excel table (point 2).

These genomes are not circular. They are opened in the circular viewer.

Genome comparison between D29 and L5 mycobacteriophages by BugView.

Genomic skew in D29 and L5 mycobacteriophages

The frequencies of bases in the genome of an organism are not always equiprobable. For example, the composition can have high "GC" content relative to the "AT".
The cause of 'skew' is not understood. Some possibilities include strong biases in mutation or DNA repair.
The minimum and maximum of a GC-skew can be used to predict the origin of replication (minimum) and the terminus location (maximum) in procaryotic genomes.
Since the coding strand of bacterial genomic DNA tends to be purine rich and majority of genes are transcribed in the same direction as the movement of the replication fork there is asymmetric nucleotide composition along the
such that the DNA composition may
be used to predict
the origin and termini of replication.

The origin of replication (ori) and replication terminus (ter) can be deduced by GC skew and cumulative GC skew analyses.

Purine skews are calculated from the first position in the sequence to the last: for each nucleotide, increment a counter if this nucleotide is a purine; decrement it if it is a pyrimidine. The effect is to compute the number of purines minus the number of pyrimidines from the first position to the current one. The X-axis of the skew graph is the position in the sequence; the Y-axis is the value of the counter at this position.

Keto and dinucleotide skews are calculated analogously, with the obvious differences.For a window size of k, every k'th position is drawn

The cumulative dinucleotide skews display the abundance
of one nucleotide relative to another across the length of a DN
A sequence that may represent a single gene or a complete genome.GC and AT skews have been widely used to predict termini and origins of replication in bacterial and mammalian genomes,
start sites in plants and fungi ,
as well as transcription
regions in the human genome .

The "DNA walk" is another method used to study
nucleotide distribution, first described by Lobry
and used to detect origins of DNA replication in bacteria genomes.
To graph a DNA walk, a direction
(North, South, East, and West) is assigned to each of the four nucleotides and the sequence is then plotted on a graph, beginning at (0,0) and moving one step in the direction specified by each successive nucleotide.