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"In silico"

From Wikipedia
If the target host* of a phage therapy treatment is not an animal the term "biocontrol" (as in phage-mediated biocontrol of bacteria) is usually employed, rather than "phage therapy".

In silico
From:"Genomics,Proteomics and Clinical Bacteriology",N.Woodford and Alan P.Johnson

Phrase that emphasizes the fact that many molecular biologists spend increasing amounts of their time in front of a computer screen, generating hypotheses that can subsequently be tested and (hopefully) confirmed in the laboratory.

Phage Therapy is influenced by:

Phage therapy is influenced by:

Country : the epidemiological situation is different from country to country in terms of circulating bacteria and bacteriophages. Example: lytic phages from Italy may be no active on the same bacteria (genus and species) isolated from another country and vice versa.
Mutation rate
Phenotypical delay
Phage cocktail

My point of view

Saturday 6 June 2009

What are the main Features for selecting Bacteriophages for Phage Therapy?

We must consider:

Phage Host range

(a mathematical criterion is required for selecting an useful phage among a lot of phages)

A selected Phage must have a Wide Host Range.

A bacteriophage with a wide host range is a phage capable of killing the highest number of different isolated cultures belonging to a given bacterial species ( example: Staphylococcus aureus from various sources).

For this reason it is indispensable to apply a mathematical criterion for selecting a phage among a lot of phages capable of effectively killing bacteria of a targeted bacterial species from various sources.


A bacteriophage is selected as “Virulent “ when this phage is capable of effectively killing bacteria from various sources compared to capacity of the non selected phages.

For selecting a phage, by this property, we use the criterion of the lower concentration capable of killing bacteria compared to concentrations of
the non selected phages.


two Phages with the same Host range

Phage A is effective in killing bacteria at 10^7 dilution
Phage B is effective in killing bacteria at 10^9 dilution

Phage B is the
selected phage.

Mutant Phages

Selection of a Mutant Phage by Mutagenization:

a) phages must be always lytic phages

b) mutant phages, if compared to wild-type phage ( non mutaginezed phage or Parental Phage), may have both host range and virulence increased.